Thursday, September 5, 2013

AEPE students at the project "Mass media in development of peacefull communication"

AEPE students (those who wished) could have an opportunity to participate in additional for them program “Mass media in development of peaceful communication”. 7 students attended and successfully completed requirements of 5 trainings, round table, and a conference. They have developed and improved their knowledge about the topics: Conflict resolution, globalization, leadership and active participation in community, ecological issues, social networks, e-mail, video-conference, distant education, blog as a tool for peaceful communication.

We discussed the differences between blogs: a teacher blog, student blog, class blog, and project or topic blog.Presentation of different blogs. Students create their own blog through site by my supervision. They typed and published the first article at their blogs.Presentation of work on As a teacher they can use a wiki as a class homepage-a place where they can post messages and assignments as well as provide links to resources.  It can be a platform for work- where all tasks and assignments for the term will be posted and students will know ahead what the requirements are and the criteria of assessment according to their collaborative work in the classroom.Students worked on computers and created their own page in wikispace.
Students worked very actively in groups, they were interested in learning about technology  not only through lecture and presentation but by using “real technology: computers, Internet resources, projector for presentation. They learned themselves and helped as volunteers and facilitators to others in groups.
Students could work at computer with access to Internet.  

Debates through online discussion. were very interesting and motivating for future collaboration and work.  Students practiced by using this tool for discussion.

They practiced and have learned how to use Survey monkey questioneers.
Students were active and presented their ideas effectively.

As a result, the participants of the project Ak-Maral , Aizirek, Jypara, Almaz, Sagungyl, Ilhom, Kyzburak
• Increased the level of knowledge and skills in computer technology  by creating a discussion online and through e-mail, blogs, wikis, photovisi,;, and other sites.  Students could practice in using online and offline tools to work with computer, such as PPT, Games, essay writing, clustering.
They have improved the understanding of peace and world harmony. Have increased the level of knowledge to promote a  peace , ethnic tolerance through discussion and debate topics about tolerance , conflict and types of conflict persons , mediation , and peaceful projects through communication technologies , etc.
• They have developed a network between active teachers and activists in support of cooperation and promotion of peace .
• AEPE Students have proposed project ideas to work with students and teachers in schools and University. They are able to provide training to others, organize discussions, presentations, and apply their new skills in developing lessons plans by bringing technology into the classroom.

AEPE students summarized ideas and presented  their teaching model for their future lessons, that can be used in the classroom.  They introduced ideas that  can be used at the lessons and at extra-curricular activities in discussing peace education topics.

Those pupils who are visual learners would enjoy working with digital cameras, video, and online resources. Learners with good reflection skills will use blogs or build e-portfolio. Social learners will use chat, email, and social network sites.
Kinesthetic learners will use virtual tours, photo story, and animation (animoto).
This relationship between technology tools and learning styles can be applied and used effectively in each lesson by teachers who have learned to use it in their classroom.