Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Discussion Club with a native speaker Reinhard Hohl

A  Discussion Club with a native speaker Reinhard Hohl.
Teachers from two groups participated at the meeting and have heard the information about World Explorers. Teachers teach this topic at school and they shared their experience of using teaching methods for explanation the main ideas of this topic.
Several suggestions were made- to be familiar with the topic of discussion, than  teachers can be prepared for it better. Another one-is that they will propose the topics for discussion and it will be interesting to them.

Session #2  March, 16, 2013
The topic of the meeting was "Travelling".
Teachers of the group were introduced to the topic through the song "Susanna". Brainstorming was useful to identify the meaning of travelling for teachers and the objectives of it. The discussion about the dream land  motivated teachers to thing about the values of learning new culture traditions, new country, environmnet, people and so on for the future input into our society. Speaker introduced to teachers Ireland by main factsheets, World map, Irish songs and dances and answered on many questions that were interested to teachers. The discussion was interesting and teachers were motivated to know more about this country and to teach it to theur students at schools.

Session #3 April, 27, 2013 
the virtual travelling to Papua New Guinea  allow the students learn about the  primitive lifestyle, culture and traditions of people who live there. Presentation of video information, main statistical information, and piggy language dictionary was very interesting for participants of the project. They were very surprised that 700 different groups of people with own languages live on the small area of PNG and  many of them do not have ideas about wheel, metal, and other industrial products.
Discussion between groups about this country was supported by  an excellent source of information, who lived in this country for two years, and could present it by his own experience of living there.

Session #4 May, 11, 2013
 "Travelling to London" was provided by Renhard Hohl to AEPE students of our group. He has lived there for many years and just recently had a vacation in London. From his own expereince he presented interesting information about London, historical places, culture, traditions, facts that were so interesting for our teachers. We compared several words that are different in  British English and American. Reinhard prepared presentation with pictures, photos, post cards, map about London and it was useful to understand the beautiful view, the situation and location of London. Many questions were raised and answers were provided. Students understood topic and shared this information with their class students at schools and University

Session #5 June 15, 2013
The role of Internet and  globalization were discussed at the meeting with teachers in a club. Reinhard presented general  ideas , and provocative questions "Can we trust to any information that we can find through Internet sources? How can we believe the source? Will it be useful to compare different sources?  How teachers will teach there students to use information? What plagiarism means? and etc.." Teachers participated in a role game where they experienced the role of teacher-candidate for the job vacancy " Teacher-specialist in language teaching English using traditional and new technology multimedia techniques". that required by imagined International school . Teachers presented their arguments and supported them by different facts from articles that were distributed before at the class. It was an interesting and exciting discussion, where  all agreed that Internet will be used by teachers as a new generation know it better how to use it:)). Teachers created blog page where they reflect on their teaching experience and it motivates them to work and to use Internet.In a conclusion, Reinhard summarized the main points of a discussion and presented the criteria for assessment of public speaking speech that can be done in the future by teachers at the time of discussion with their students.

Mukadas Tashieva

Mukadas Tashieva
AEPE is a course for teachers where we can start everything from the beginning and learn deeply English language. We have started it from 7th of February. The book that we use is New English File Pre-Intermediate level. I would like to share with you about our first Unit, because I have gained grammar and interesting methods  of teaching. We have started from Introduction, using grammar structure like present Simple tense, Present Continuous and relative clauses. Moreover, each grammar structure followed by exercises and texts which are very useful for us.
The second, I am learning teaching methods from our Instructor Natalya. Her methods are fulfilling my teaching methods and it helps me to develop my professional career in teaching English language.

Studying at AEPE course is becoming more and more interesting than before, because now we have finished the second Unit. There are four parts of the Unit and all of them were very interesting and useful for us. Moreover, we are all teachers and during all classes I learnt the teaching process for different kinds of Grammar themes. For example, picture presentations I like the most, because our teacher asked us to draw a picture (topics) and to present it as if it would be in a picture gallery or museum. It helps them to develop their thinking and speaking skills.
I am now using the predicting for topics, as we do at our classes.
I would like if our classes would provide more discussions on one topic and to have argue with each other because it would increase our thinking and arguing skills also. Thank you for everything!

Reflection. Unit 4 
 Studying of AEPE course, we are doing our best with our facilitator. Now we have finished the fourth Unit and we have learnt about present perfect, comparative and superlative adjectives. Of course, these grammar topics were not a novelty for us, but we could enlarge our knowledge with the help of different kinds of exercises. "Map activity" was the most interesting and useful activity I have ever seen, because using map directions is very helpful for students at any age. I suggest to my group to speak English more than in previous time, like discussion or solving problems. Thank you very much!
P.S.: I like the way of learning new words, like "temerariously". I want to suggest you to go on and the wordswill be not only one, but four or five.

Reflection Unit 6
Unit 6 was one of the interesting with grammar, because step by step the training materials are becoming more difficult. Of course, we know about these topics, but the teaching methods are different and new. 

Reflection. Unit 7
Studying at AEPE course we have finished luckily the Unit 7. In earning at this Unit I like the most our self-presentation of the grammar topics “used to, passive voice”, because our trainer divide us in two groups and we were able to present the whole theme in a definite time. Moreover. we used some of methods that our trainer teaches.
Every Unit, one by one gives us more information  and we gain more methods for teaching.

Razzakova Ak-Maral

Razzakova Ak-Maral
I think that our lessons are always interesting and lovely. It will be more interesting if we discuss about our job because all of us are teachers. I want to know how teachers teach grammar, do listening and reading at the classes. I have learned at Unit 1D about “Devil’s Dictionary”. It was very interesting for me to know different definitions.


From The Unit 2 we have learnt grammar on past simple, past continuous, giving definitions, using conjunctions in the sentences. We were taught by playing roles, working in small groups. It was very interesting to us in and useful in teaching grammar rules. We did a lot of grammar exercises, read texts and worked on it. Especially in Unit 2D I liked describing photos which were given by teacher and discussed it with other students. I think, it was very interesting and I prefer to use it in my teaching. Sometimes we listened CD, watched videos and discussed during the lessons. Then we played role games from these videos, which helped us to remember phrases. I hope the next our lessons will be so interesting as last ones. And I want to use games more during my lessons.

Reflection. Unit 3
Lesson by lesson, Unit by Unit we are learning more explanations on Grammar which will help us in teaching. For example, the teacher made it on PPT and organized some playing roles. We read some texts and found grammar  activities and explained  their rules. There were also grammar tasks where we should understand the differences between "will and won't" and "going to" because they are very similar  and I think that I wll try to teach my students how to differ these tenses. Thanks for our teachers, she always a hard-working person who taught us.

Reflection. Unit 4
During the Unit 4, we learned on grammar present perfect tense, comparative adjectives, like, less than and superlative forms of adjectives.The teacher taught how we could work using grammar activities by playing roles. We used comparative adjectives to compare some cities with different  cities. Also, we saw video-activites and learned some phrases from those video tasks. We had a talking Club with native speaker. He prepared very interesting topic on "travelling". He shows to us very interesting video about Ireland and taught us a poem with pictures. I liked it very much. Everybody was interested in this topic. I will hope that outr talking Club is as interesting as this time.

Reflection. Unit 5
At the Unit 5 we learnt uses of the infinitive (with to), rules of their usings, gerund-ing, with verbs, modal verbs like have to, don’t have to, must, and prepositions of movement. During the lessons we made up sentences with them and filled some tests. The teacher taught us by role playing and sometimes we made up dialogues with pairs which were very useful and interesting to us. I think the whole things which teacher   teaches us I would try to use them in my teaching. That’s why I am here now. I am happy that I have a chance to talk and have practice to use English and share our opinion with other teachers- colleagues.

Reflection. Unit 6
Unit 6 Includes grammar rules, like first conditional, second conditional, modal verbs expressing possibility and advice. Teacher taught us it by cards where there were any kinds of explanations. I think that I will use it during my teaching English. Also at the lessons we described different pictures, given by teacher. It was interesting and useful to improve our speech. We had talking Club on PNG which was very lovely and interesting. We learnt new things about people who live on that island. It was very strange and unusual for us that they kill their enemies and cut them into pieces, and woman covers their body with pig’s fat. Also it was a seminar with Ercilia. She provided very useful and interesting training for us. We leant many games which we can use during classes. This month was very excited and full-filled.

Reflection. Unit 7
In Unit 7 we looked through grammar rules on present perfect, past simple, structure of the used to and passive. Every grammar rule the teacher explained us very clearly. She used cards, handouts, different pictures which were really interesting and remembering. Sometimes teacher showed us PPT which helped us to understand it in easy way. So, I also want to use some lessons in that way. But first of all I liked listening exercises. They were very useful to improve our listening skills because the most difficult part in learning foreign languages is to listen and to understand. The most interesting part during Unit 7 was our presentation on grammar: used to and passive voice. Everyone tries to explain clearly using of different kinds of methodology. I think it was very useful opportunity to have a practice in teaching which give us more experience of teaching.

Reflection. Unit 7
In Unit 7 we looked through grammar rules on present perfect, past simple, structure of the used to and passive. Every grammar rule the teacher explained us very clearly. She used cards, handouts, different pictures which were really interesting and remembering. Sometimes teacher showed us PPT which helped us to understand it in easy way. So, I also want to use some lessons in that way. But first of all I liked listening exercises. They were very useful to improve our listening skills because the most difficult part in learning foreign languages is to listen and to understand. The most interesting part during Unit 7 was our presentation on grammar: used to and passive voice. Everyone tries to explain clearly using of different kinds of methodology. I think it was very useful opportunity to have a practice in teaching which give us more experience of teaching.

Reflection. Unit 8
Day by day, we are learning very interesting and more difficult grammar structures from Unit 8, because we are finishing this pre-intermediate book and will change it into another one. During this Unit, we sometimes tried to explain using of phrasal verbs by ourselves. It was so interesting and not so difficult, because the teacher gave us handouts. Also, we worked with vocabulary, listening new phrasal verbs from CD, we filled in missing words in the songs.Students in our class created dialogues. Teacher always tries to teach us in interesting way and she helped us to open our blog and explained how to publish some publications. I think we are getting more knowledge and improving our English.