Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Classroom activities

Role- plays, work in groups, in pairs, collaboration and a team work are successful elements of the classroom activties for AEPE students.


ICT in the project and in the classroom

AEPE students effectively worked   at Nicenet.org, blog for our course, and creating google account. Access to Internet allow our group to work through online education and discuss goals and challeneges of teaching at schools.Teachers can use this experience at their classroom and use ICT for subject teaching.

Training of Professional Development

Training for teacher was organised by the program. Two groups of AEPE students and teachers partcipated together. Many interesting activities  were introduced to teachers and all participants  found it useful and appropriate for their classrooms. We believe that our teachers will use new knowledge and skills effectively,  will share their experience with other colleagues, and implement it at Enhancement activity projects.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Project Enhacement activity. April, 26

Students from three schools (#52, Aga Khan School, and  school Pushkina) participated in the project activity that was organised by AEPE students.
The training included: Revision of the body parts by different activities -video presentation,  interactive lecture, pair work by using cards.

Students discussed the rules of grammar for present Simple tense. They practiced it by different examples, simulation games, and work with handouts by filling words.
Quiz on the present Simple tense was useful to identify the level of the students. Teachers checked the answers and students understood their mstakes.

Coffee break was suggested by AEPE students to pupils.

Warm learning atmosphere allowed students from three school to get know each other better, and practice English language skills in order to improve it.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Enhancement activity Project report, March

Project report:
At this month for Enhancement activity, students decided to organize the project together in one team at the school #52 to the students from 3 schools.
The leader of the project at this month is Khairullo
List of participants who were taking part in the activity.
All of them are school-students of following secondary schools.

School #21 (Form:7)
School #52 (Form:7)
School Aga Khan (Form:7)
Azimova Marhabo
Chyngyzbek uulu Bakdoolot
Asylbek uulu Adilet
Atabaeva Nodira
Shermatova Amina
Moon Je Yi
Juraev Biloldin
Kadyrbekov Adilet
Jumaev Azamat
Mamajanov Rahmatillo
Sulaimanova Miraida
Nazarov Amantur
Tashlankulova Khadicha
Stimbaev Melis
Rasulmat k. Aydana
Toshpulatov Abdutolib
Baishbek u Azamat
Nazaraliev Muslim

·         In organization of the project AEPE students were  responsible for following duties:

1.      Almaz was responsible for getting permission from school Aga-Khan to hold the Physical culture hall for activity.
2.      Pazilova Samara and Jumanova Jypar wereresponsible to buy all necessary items for our project.
3.      Razzakova Ak-Maral was responsible in tracking for financial parts of the project.
4.      Joroeva Aizirek was responsible for transportation of participants: School #52 (Form:7)
5.      Khairullo Israilov was responsible for transportation of participants: School #21 (Form:7)
6.      Isakova Kanykey  helped Almaz in setting ready the Physical culture hall for activity carrying out.
7.      Borubaeva Kyzburak was responsible for preparing of hand out materials and musical underneath.
8.      Tashieva Mukadas was responsible for preparing of tasks for the competition.
9.      All AEPE students were responsible in looking after of participants during the competition.
·         Students used of warm up exercises in language (to improve English speaking skills)
-          Developed good friendly relations between children who never met before.
AEE Students prepared games (intellectual and physical exercises). Students from schools were very active. Osh TV channel was invited.
AEPE Students prepared notes of thanks to all and presented notebooks, pens. Than after the competition coffee- break was provided.  After the project the discussion helped identify the good points and moments that can be considered for the future time.