Monday, July 8, 2013

This is a pilot program

AEPE program is a pilot program for teachers of English from schools and University of World Languages in Osh city. There are 6 students presently in the group who have classes in 90 min three times in a week.
This program potentially encourages teachers to reconsider their lesson plans, syllabus and strategies of teaching by student-centred approaches in activities. We discuss with students of my group a question “How to use Informational technologies at the classroom?” and practice ourselves by created e-mails, reflective blogs, and opened page for educational purposes. Also, I use my computer to present information, PPTs, songs, videos and others. A discussion Club on the topic of “Globalisation and the role of Internet” was very successful for this purpose.
 Teachers share their experience of participating at the course with their colleagues at schools and University. They can demonstrate to their colleagues the blog page if they access to Internet.
At the same time, teachers improve their knowledge and skills in English language. They review grammar rules and practice different activities with exercises which allow them to learn grammar well. As a trainer I use each time new strategies of work such as individual work, pair work, group work, and a team work. My students participate in discussions and debates at the training, write multiple-drafts essay, form project templates for presentations, read interesting articles, and work with Student and workbook “New English File”. This book is the main one at the course, but at the training we discuss grammar by using different topics, cards, posters, additional grammar Oxford books, information from Internet, video and audio files, podcasts with new phrases for each class, newspaper “Times”, and other supportive materials to achieve better result. They work with Quizes, Quicktests, Progress test, reflect on the blogs, work with a home task, and  participate in the class.
Monthly we organize and provide project enhancement activity for community including students, teachers, children from orphanage house and etc. AEPE students learn through the project to work together in a team, to share responsibilities, to reflect on the project work and evaluate each others work.
My students learn and teach others. The reaction on the student’s progress /challenges will be done and according to the success will be obviously if this program can have a “root” at this place.Will be this pilot program a usual program for teachers in our country? Will see, hope so!!!

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