Sunday, April 6, 2014

Poster-presentation about teaching philosophy

    At the lesson I  presented ideas about teching philosophy  to AEPE students of my group and  during one month they analyzed their learning style and learning styles of their students in pilot groups, and thought about their teaching philosophy. Through the poster presentation, they shared their ideas and thoughts on this topic.Many of them didn't  think about it at all and have never discussed it with other teachers. Teachers took interview in small groups, made an inquiry in their classroom, and analyzed their roles as teachers, their mission and vision in teaching students. This activity develop our students' critical thinking skills and I am as a teacher have learnt more about my students' thoughts, their challenges in teaching, and their future plans. It will help me to construct the program according to their students' needs and interests.

"I learnt today from Gulnara's presentation to concretisize my presentation because "Teaching philosophy is really a wide topic, wide aspect of our life, it's our profession and it's really big. I like experiments I held with my students, their philosophies. It's fruitful that I know their learning styles and I can change my lessons according to their learning styles. At next time I want to present the results of  my lessons with changes. Then, I think our students-flowers will blossom better and there will be more great people, ministries, ambassadors, as I expect from my students, according to my teaching phiosophy."
Ainagul Bekkeldieva.

"I like in my presentation the point about interactive ways of teaching and about generation. My speech was presented logically with introduction, body, and a conclusion. I have learned from Ainagul's presentation that it's important to present student's work. I have caught  the main idea   of her teaching philosophy .In the future presentation  I will pay attention to my students' future work. I will think deeper about my mission."                                                                                                                                       Malika

"I think that my presentation was clear for all participants. I could shae my teaching philosophy with them. I could answer to all questions of our teachers. Next presentation will be better. I could take more approaches of work rom my groupmates. They also presented own ideas and teaching methods, how to imagine and to compare learning styles. All of presenters demonstrated creativity in poster paper and in presentation."                                                                            Hamdamova Gulnora
"I got a lot of new for me ideas about teching. As a eacher I should think about student's motivation. First of all to enrich student's knowledge we have to raise their interests in learning. Teachers should carefully plan lessons. Through this presentation I could share my opinion and think about my teaching."                                                  Kanykey
"I am as a student learning more about myself, and than about my role as a teacher".
I liked that I could explain every photo that I posted and that I could share my ideas about my world to others. From Ms.Irasagul’s presentation I got that presentation might look like simple and not understandable when you see it at the first time but after explanation of it, you understand the deep meaning of it. Don't hurry up by giving evaluation or taking a decision.
 Probably I would like to change a theme of my presentation because I felt a shame that my theme of presentation was different (I was confused). Also extremely I felt that I don't have my own point of view in one-two words, and I suffered from lack of words. I would like to change it and to write my own ideas                                                                                                                         Murod

"I presented my ideas about my teaching philosophy, but the best expereince  for me was to  listen to others. I agree that we have to think about our learners because they need our help and support. In my presentation  had to involve my groupmates into converstaion or interactive discussion."              Nazgul
"I like my presentation becaue poster itself is philosophical: we can't live without air, water, and fire and we can't live without learning or knowledge.I lernt from others that teacher should know first of all about own teaching philosophy, and should know more about students' philosophy too. For the next time, I will try to present the topic with attention to the students' philoophy: what do they learn, what are they doing now?are they satisfied with my teaching, etc. shall I have better knowledge to prepare to the lessons in more creative and effective way. I will take in consideration all of these points."
Irasagul Zainidinova


"Every person is unique, so all of ours students prepared and presented their posters differently the first. As in proverb says: "Many men, many minds". I liked all posters of my groupmates. They learned that we are in a team., for example: Nazgul's tree; Malika's flower; Ainagul's sun  with flowers;Irasagul's Earth have so many common in teaching. I could take some ideas about my groupmates' teaching phlosophy, their styles and methods of teaching, activities that they use in the classroom. their own learning styles and of course their students' too. At the same tim, I have learned some ideas of poster presentation."

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