Sunday, June 29, 2014

CATEC- Central Asian Teachers of English Conference 2014

9th Annual Central Asian Teachers of English conference was organized in June 21-22 in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. American Councils supported my travelling and other expenses. A team from Kyrgyzstan presented their topics through the workshops, poster-presentation, and talk for Fellows from the USA and teachers from Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, and Tajikistan. All of the sessions were very interesting for us, but there is a practice to choose a session for your interest from several that are conducted at the same time. If I had a chance I would visit all of those sessions, but they were at the same time. Thus, I only could participate at some workshops, such as  "Power Point as a Tool for Teaching Grammar", "Alternative Needs Assessments: Learning What Interests and Motivates Your Students", "Project-Based Learning», «Using Cell phones in Speaking Lessons", "Raising Learner Motivation and Improving Target Grammar Structures through Videos", "Fashion in Kyrgyzstan-How to teach reading and vocabulary using Authentic materials", "Planning Cross Curricular Lessons", "Teaching Vocabulary to Young Learners", "Using America Songs in Teaching English to Young Learners", "Using Jokes in the Language classroom to Motivate Students", "Teaching Vocabulary through Communicative Methodology in the EFL classroom", etc... Only the themes
of these workshops tell a lot....! I have learned from these workshops and have gotten new information about the research work, the presentation itself, the use of mobile phone at the lesson. All of these topics helped me to revise many aspects that I knew before, but to look on them with new perspective. Our coordinator from US Embassy in Kyrgyzsan, Djumanalieva Natalia helped us in orientation and participated at all our workshops, giving us positive emotions and a great support.
I also organized a workshop on the topic “Formative and Summative Assessment in Teaching: Use of Technology”. Through this workshop we could analyze the difference between traditional and alternative assessment and their role in the learning process. We spoke about the alignments of goals, objectives, and instructional strategies of assessment, and demonstration of students’ achievements through the summative form of assessment.
I presented my experience of work by using technology (using blogs, e-mails, PPTs, etc.) for the best way to help and encourage students in their learning process and to assess them by the formative and summative assessment. I could share my experience of work with AEPE students and present the blog that helps us to publish our ideas, success, and teaching practice. All of participants at the workshop were interested in the topic and participated actively in discussion and in a group work.

  The time schedule was organized very well and the conference was from the early morning to late evening. Cultural night followed after the session was beautiful and full of national songs and dances. Souvenirs that were given to each other were wonderful and unforgettable. Official meeting with the US Ambassador at the next night was organized at the Serena Hotel. Speeches, jazz band with a lovely music, and a buffet for dinner made the evening fantastic. Uncountable photo-sessions from all participants were all time and it gave us a lot of memory about this unbelievable event. Dushanbe in the evening is a beautiful as well as in a day time, and our walk after the official meeting gave us a wonderful impression about this city.

I could find new friends from each country and could know better the teachers of English from my country, Kyrgyzstan. I’ve gained new knowledge that I will use in my teaching practice and share with students of AEPE program (teachers of English), young learners,and  with  other teachers.

Work in June

At this month, we continued our work and studying .We used our "Student file Book" and other handouts for classes and discussed different topics such as "A party animal", "What makes you feel good?", "Sport activities". We used a video-file to improve students' listening skills and to speak about the information "At the department store".  The main objectives of the classroom work were: 
  • revise  grammar -the use of infinitive form (to+ verb)
  • describe the cultural similarities and differences between  the parties in USA and Kyrgyzstan
  • describe what does it mean to be polite
  •  learn some rules about the gerund (verb+ ing) and to use it by their examples
  • use correctly verbs followed by-ing
  • revise buying clothes, and learn expressions for taking things back to a shop.
  • learn how to use " Have to, don’t have to, must, and mustn’t" 
  • use a verb+ preposition to express movement. Vocabulary focuses: prepositions of movement and words related to sport.
  • plan  Project enhancement activities
  • revise the lesson plans and to prepare for the presentation  
Photo presentation and demo lesson presentation were organized in  Osh Regional Library. Students of My group (Nazgul, Malika, Mirgul, Kanykei, Irasagul) presented their work through the published materials with the stories of successes, lesson plans, and objectives of the work for our group. Irasagul and Mirgul presented their lessons as their lessons were chosen from the group as the best ones. Teachers from four groups (Osh and Jalal Abad) of AEPE program could share their teaching experience through the lesson presentation. They could learn about new activities for them and to discuss the ways to improve such lessons. All of them participated actively in this event, as it was very useful for all of them.
The training “American studies” motivated my students to learn more about American history, culture, education, holidays, famous people, music, and food. Training was organized by the Director of ACCELS Ms. Rebecca and Peace Corps volunteers.  Students have learned about different genres of the music and could identify and differentiate different many of them while they listened to them. AEPE students actively worked in groups and prepared American salads: fruit salad, Potato salad, Macaroni salad, and so on… It was a great fun, as everyone could try each of them and enjoy the way of preparation salads together, in groups. Through all of sessions, group work, and presentations students have got new information, worked in one team, found friends- teachers from different groups, and improved their English language skills.

AEPE  student , Ms. Ainagul organized a demo lesson that proposed for the project work with lesson plans. Students have learned the construction of direct and indirect speeches and practiced it by using the text and different handouts. Students (Malika, Irasagul,  Kanykei, and Nazgul) observed the lesson and organized a round table to give a constructive  feedback . Lesson plan is attached in the previous post.

The proposal for the whole Project work is to teach about Kyrgyz culture, education, fashion, food, music, and etc. through the small projects for participants-students from different faculties of Osh city. 

In the Project enhancement activity, students of my group presented different genres of music (information that they have learned at the training) and folk Kyrgyz music as well as dance Kara Jorgo. Students organized a flash- mob where participants could learn about music and dance the Kyrgyz dance. All of the following activities engaged participants into the active discussion and participation. They were happy to be there and to learn a lot!
All of our activities motivate AEPE students to change their style of teaching, to learn more, and to use into their teaching practice new ideas and knowledge from AEPE program.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Work in May and the result of the work

   In May according to the plan we conducted 12 lessons, organized project enhancement activity, and conducted two demo lessons for AEPE students of our group.
 In classes we discussed with AEPE students the lesson plan format and they wrote the same lesson according to the Phase1 and Phase2. Students gave peer-feedback to each, they self-assessed their lesson and they got a feedback from their lead teacher. Director of ACCELS Rebecca and coordinator observed our classes and gave some recommendations on the process of work. Not everyone could cope with this task but most of the teachers rewrote the lesson for phase 2.  The best results have gotten our students-teachers Mirgul, Irasagul, and Malika. Mirgul and Irasagul presented the lesson plan at the presentation in Osh Regional library. Five  students  from our group were there as  participants (Kanykei, Irasagul, Mirgul, Nazgul, and Malika).Teachers- delegates from other groups also participated  in this activity and lead teachers met to observe and assess the lessons and discuss the future plans. Other teachers were participants at their lessons and participated very actively. Lead teachers from Osh and Jalal Abad assessed their presentations and gave some comments to improve this lesson in the future. It was very useful exercise and eight teachers from Osh and Jalal Abad presented their demo lessons. Teachers could learn more about each other and share their opinion on conducting activities at the lessons. At the same time, it was a photo presentation from 4 groups where AEPE students-teachers could share what they did according to the program. Photo of each AEPE student at the lesson from my group; with other classmates at the lesson of AEPE program; with their students at the school or University were presented by PPT presentation. This photo presentation demonstrates the work of students at our classes, their involvement into the project enhancement activities, and their teaching and implementation of the activities in their classrooms at their schools or Universities.  The slides are presented in this post.
     Our students continue improve their speeches and at this time we have worked with the project #5 with the main objective to improve their body language.   All students presented their different topics and it improves their speech organization and generally presentation. We discussed the strategies of work to develop writing skills of the students at the lesson, pre-activity, while-activity, and post activity in different scenario. It helps them understand better the process of organization reading activity and engage their students into this process. Two teachers- Mirgul and Irasagul started their 6th project for speech presentation (vocal variety) when they presented their lesson for other teachers in the Library.
    Two AEPE students- Kanykei and Irasgul organized demo lesson at the school and other AEPE students and a lead teacher could come, observe, and talk through the constructive and positive feedback that helps teachers to analyze the problems, challenges, and success at the lesson. This is a practical work and implementation of the program into the real life and it shows the result of our work that affects our AEPE students.

      Students planned and organized very interesting project enhancement activity for 24 students of three faculties. The topic was “The national clothes- ancient and modern one”. Students were interested to discuss   it and AEPE students presented through different activities and sessions information about it. Feedback after the event was useful for AEPE students, because a lead teacher and other AEPE students could share their thoughts and opinion on the organized event.
All of these activities require time and a lot of efforts and
 only hard working teachers-AEPE students and teachers who eager for their professional development can pass this entire exam” during 9 months of our program.
Some materials to share:

 1. A lesson plan of Irasagul can be found and download at this link:
2. A lesson plan of Mirgul can be found and download at this link:
3. A lesson plan was written by Malika
4. A lesson plan was written by Kanykei
5. A lesson plan was written by Murod
6. A lesson plan was written by Nazgul
7. A lesson plan was written by Asel
8. A lesson plan was written by Ainagul
9. A lesson plan was written by  Gulnora

Photo slide to share:
A short video link:
A group work  publication