Saturday, November 16, 2013

10-week online training course “AEI eLearning Su13 Assessment E-teacher”

  This course gave me the brilliant opportunities to learn deeper about types of assessment such diagnostic, formative, and summative and practice more by designing the tasks through rubrics, checklists, and other forms to check the student’s progress. I have learned the difference between traditional and alternative assessment and will try to use more the second one in my practice. I understood that feedback to students in oral or written form is very valuable for them because they can think about their challenges, their needs and progress achievement. Students after such analysis will be motivated to learn more and to work harder. They will use teacher’s office hours to ask questions, to ask for peer-assessment and comments on the written work. The role of feedback is enormous in learning process. Organization of work can be different- individual, work in pairs or small groups and to concentrate on the project –based learning when students have the goal, task, and they have to work collaboratively in order to find a solution and present it to others. Another approach that we not only discussed but tried practically is e-portfolio that is innovative form of teaching and learning. By working with portfolio, students learn to make changes and improve the work continuously according to the tasks, comments of teachers and pairs, and some recommendations for improvement of the work. Portfolio is available to other readers to see, comment through wiki site.
Action research is an activity that students enjoy accomplishing in my school, especially through scientific researching conferences and research work presentation to representative of community and VIP participants from International organizations. They usually present interesting ideas for the development of student’s research and recommend how it can be improved. At this course we also discussed importance of action research and different stages in its organization.
Our reflection and discussion at the course with my Teacher Nicole and colleagues around the world- this is the most unbelievable part of the educational process as we could share our thoughts, plans, social life attitudes, and prospective for the future growth. Motivational and inspirational comments on the forum encouraged me to work with enthusiasm and to improve my professional background.
“Natalia, you are the star of discussions with warm and encouraging comments to everyone. This is one of the fabulous aspects of teacher training online. We appreciate participants who take such an active interest in promoting collaborative learning.
Thank you for your collegiality and bright, enthusiastic presence in the threads!
Thank you for the thorough and admirably clear work on the tasks. We have all learned a lot of relevant detail about your professional situation and issues you face surrounding assessment. I am certain you’ll find direction through this course!
As you mention, proper models and examples of what can be said in different situations are important to motivation. In fact, through such examples we have the opportunity to model reflective, creative, and critical thinking.
You are the shining presence in the discussion that shows how well collaborative learning online can work. I like to let you all discuss the ideas together without bending the conversation toward "the teacher." So, it is wonderful to have you take time to respond to so many posts.
You make important points about authenticity and the necessity of strong professional development. As for assessment literacy, it is exactly the case that we need to offer non-threatening ways for in-service teachers to learn more about assessment. The more we know, the more precisely we can serve our students!
In the article “Musing: A Way to Inform and Inspire Pedagogy through Self-Reflection” Jane Moore, Vickie Fields Whitfield mention the role of personal growth, flexibility, technology, professional development, and planning in a teaching process. If we consider one by one these elements, we can conclude that without reflection nothing can be done in order to find out the challenges and come up to achievements. Our reflection according to the requirements of feedback helped us to understand the meaning of the concepts and to analyze what was done in a course. My instructor wrote
Your reflection shows how deeply you’ve considered concepts learned in the course; you’ve woven these into your explanations well.  Your enthusiasm is tangible, and I have no doubt that your colleagues will also benefit from your having taken the course.  Yes, I think most of us originally had vague objectives and criteria that lacked detail.  Typical teacher prep programs just do not put enough emphasis on assessment.  It is rewarding for me to see how much you got out of the course design and praxis.  Thanks for taking time on the assignments and here’s to a bright future!  ~~Nicole”
I eager to implement my new knowledge and skills into my practice and share ideas and knowledge with my colleagues, Teachers of Advanced English Teaching Program (ACCELS), teachers of Khorogh (Aga Khan School), active leaders of our community and teachers /administrators of Southern Region in KR.
I am looking forward to study again and to pass other e-Teacher online courses that will help me and my trainees- educators in Kyrgyzstan to become innovative teachers who appreciate the student’s work and value student-centered approaches in the classroom which personalized learning and education for the progress in society. School that use formative assessment in practice lead to success in teaching and learning, and these are characteristics of effective and successful school. New ways of teaching by using assessment tools will influence on the local and then state level. The changes in educational system have to be initiated by pilot schools, enthusiastic and innovative teachers and their experience can be learned for the future achievement. Schools that do not make progress should be open to learn new experience and implement it in their practice. City Department and Ministry of Education of KR have to become partners with the innovative schools and teachers, who were educated in the best Universities of the world, in order to achieve positive results and realize the common goals of educational reforms.

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