Monday, March 31, 2014

March was "full" of interesting activities

Sessions, classes, project activity, demo lesson, and methodological sessions were organized  for and with AEPE students on March,2014.

At our lessons we use different sources, such as New English file book, Grammar Oxford book, Skills for Success (writing and reading), and different Internet resources.All of them are useful to improve Grammar, reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills of our students.

At the same time, students learn the methods and strategies of teaching through the process of their teaching. It was a new information for students about the learning styles and multiple intelligence skills that have to be taken into account in planning lessons. AEPE students identified their own learning style and discussed about activities that will be used for multiple intelligence skills. It was very interesting to make a contrast between a teacher-centred and student-centered approaches and to present different arguments for and against of them. We analyzed the role of student-centered methods of teaching in the students' development and understanding. AEPE students have changed their opinion about it.

It was a great experience to observe a demo lesson, that Ms. Mirgul organized at her faculty, and to provide a feedback to her. Through this activity, students could analyze one more time the role of student-centered approaches at the lesson, and the role of the teacher in lesson preparation and presentation. This "lesson" that includes a lesson and a feedback is very beneficial for teachers, because they learn better through the prompts, challeneges, and mistakes. The lesson was organized and prepared very well, different interesting activities were used. Students were involved in the learning process and they shared their thoughts in pair and in a group work. The teacher applied audio files, video to support presentation and students shared in their reflection that they have learned a lot through this lesson.

AEPE students  made their input into community by organizing the project enhancement activity. At this month they invited students from three faculties and discussed the topic about the celebration of Nooruz, the history of this events, the steps in food(Sumolok) preparation and played through the role play the legend about this holiday. All members of the team worked together, and they were excited through this activity to organize this project for students . All participants were actively involved and enjoyed the activity. AEPE students got more ideas about the project organization and can apply this knowledge into their schools by organizing activities or club at their working place.

One time in a month AEPE students from both groups have a chance to meet with a native speaker and to discuss some issues or to learn more about strategies and methods of teaching. At this time, they discussed about  speaking activity, the role of it in the classroom, and the strategies that can be useful for the classroom. Students themselves could practice it with others and understand better if they have god speaking and listening skills.

All activites were successful at this month and we believe that AEPE students will use many of them into their own teaching practice with the pilot group of students. What will be the results of it- we will find out at the following month through the reflective log of each AEPE student.

Monday, March 10, 2014

What are my students thoughts?

"To teach English, this dream originated, because of my English teacher. She spoke English very well, and I wanted also to be a teacher of English.
Now I am a teacher. I have already understood the difficulties and hardships of this profession. I began to appreciate my teachers more than ever. I am going to bring benefit to the society.
In my teaching experience, there are any teaching strategies left. It is becoming to teach my students harder, because the ideology of Islam religion dominates in all sphere of life. My students are religious, they appreciate humanism more than other things. They are less interested in Universe studies. For example, one time, I suggested my students to decorate our auditorium, and to make a student’s corner. I said that one sheet will be for an excellent student. According to their attendance, attitude, knowledge, leadership skills, we rate them at the end of month, and hand up the photo of this student and information about him/her. Nonetheless, one of my best students denied it, she said that many students don’t want it and they don’t want to be on the poster and to be a star among the students. I thought about any motivation. One time I said that we have to be tolerant; we should support each other and follow their responsibilities.
In different kind of situations, I feel that I am losing my teaching philosophy and I think about myself: “Why am I teaching?”, “Why am I working as a teacher?” My work is not so appreciated. I do not stop teaching and my students will understand the role of education, the time will come. Teachers are optimists and our work will be appreciated." 
Dubanakulova Akmaral

"Teacher is a person whose job is to teach, especially in a school or college. Teaching is a work of a teacher, or ideas and beliefs that are taught by sb/smth. :Philosophy" means the study of ideas and beliefs about the meaning of life, or a set of beliefs that tries to explain the meaning of life or give rules how to behave. So, there are many different kind of professions, by I liked to be a teacher. It was my dream from my childhood. I tried to teach students in a village and I enjoyed it. When I studied at the University I thought that to work is easier than to study, but it is not.To be a teacher is very difficult task and responsible job. In different groups ther are some students who misbehaved , most of them are from the town.We teachers, have to find a common language with them. We have to find a way to work individually with each student. Every teacher has their own teaching philosophy. Everybody tries to do his or her own best while teaching students. As in proverb says: "Practice make perfect". Day by day, year by year, while teaching learners and I will learn myself, because every year we have new learners, new seminars, new books and new materials that we use. Every each lesson is different, because studets are different.
My teaching philosophy is making a warm atmosphere with my students and getting, giving a pleasure at the class.To create this atmosphere, I am trying to learn more and more about new activitiesfrom seminars. I will try to use them in my classroom. I want my students to learn and get something new. In future they will educate their children, our future generation.
The main thing is challenging our students/learners to be well-ducated and valuable  person in our society. We are all teachers of English language have to improve language skills and to work hard as we can. In conclusion, I have never rgreted my choice to be a teacher. I love my profession very much."
Dzhunusova Mirgul 

"Educating others is a responsibility that should be taken seriously and with care. I believe that all students have the ability to be successful, they simply need to tap their potential. I expect excellence from each student and in return I try to provide guality teaching through my lessons.
All the students are capable of learning or they have the ability to be successful. If I expect my students to work hard, my students will turn work hard. If I don't expect much from the students, they will not work or show their ability. Always, I try to encourage students to strive for excellence in the class.
I strive to develop and deliver quality of teaching through all my lessons. I think, the quality of my teaching is my students' success. Therefore, excellence as an educator begins with quality and preparation. We must know what to teach in the class or we have to have a solid understanding of the subject.
I asked my students such kind of questions. Are you interested in English? Why are you interested in English? Is it necessary for you? They answered that English language is a world language. They should know all about English language, of course, to read, write, and speak. They need English language throughout of their life, because some of them want to be a prime-minister, some of them want to be a businessman and they won't need an interpreter. Some of them want to travell around London and the USA, therefore they need and they are eager to learn English.
After this discussion several kinds of thoughts and ideas came to my mind. As Chinese proverb says: "Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I may remember. Involve me and I will understand" that the best way for students to learn is active involvement.
Steping in my class they may feel safe to express their thoughts and be responsible for their own learning through activities and class discussions.
We also know that teacher should know or value the student's learning. Tht's why we'd know their interests, learning styles and backgrounds. With this knowledge our teaching will be better informed and more effective. In my teaching I use traditional assessment methods but sometimes I use alternative forms of assessment.
At the end I want to say that I should develop and deliver the quality of my teaching, then I may expect my tudents to work hard or just to tap their potential and encourage their strive for excellence and of course, I'd follow the Chinese proverb or students active learning hould be through many kinds of activities. One more important thing is to assess student's learning clearly and honestly.
All of these strives and beliefs combine my teaching philosophy."
Zaynidinova Irasagul

"I like foreign languages especially English from my childhood. I wanted to be an English teacher. There are many noble professions but I have chosen the prfession of a teacher. Firts of all, I think that it is very interesting, fascinating and exciting.
However, I want to tell about some difficulties in the process of teaching. From the beginning of my teaching, I figured out that teaching was very difficult. The teachers have to know their subject well. They should be kind, understandable, friendly, expereinced, tolerant, responsible, passinate, patient, and strict. This profession requires readiness, a lot of time. You should always fresh your knowledge and always practice. I collide with difficulties such as: in explaining grammar, inpresenting new theme and new words and class management. I became more expereinced teacher. Teaching philosophy is elf-reflective statement of your beliefs about teaching and learning.
One of the importance of teaching is contact with students. Pesronal contact with students is esential to my approach. I emphasize my availability for informal discussion and my willingness to help them sort out any problems they have with what they are learning. My expereince as a teacher is greatly enriched by this contact with students.
So, teaching philosophy should discuss how you put your beliefs into practice by including concrete examples of what you do in the classroom.
My teaching expereince is not enough yet and I wait more information and activites from this program. I want to be more expereinced. " 
Abdikarimova Malika

A new group , the same AEPE program

     I would like to introduce a new group of English  teachers who will improve their knowledge and skills in English language, in methodology of teaching, in leadership skills through organization of different projects and management skills by sharing leader's position.
The AEPE program(2) started on January from the orientation session for teachers where four groups -two of them from Jalal Abad, and two others from Osh, participated actively discussing the steps of the program. The program supported by ACCELS and finalists of the program have  passed  application process, test, and  interview. This program is free for finalists and alternates , but they have to give back their knowledge and skills into community  through projects, and other activities.

On this photo you can see the enhancement activity project that was organized by my group of teachers for teachers of English. All teachers  shared their thoughts and expereince of work in teaching songs into the classroom.

Each month we have in plan to organize a Native speaker club with a Native speaker, who will introduce different topics for discussion. At this month Ms. Paula, a Fullbright program fellow from the USA could lead a discussion about the social and economical problems in our country and how teachers deal with these questions at their classrooms. Discussion was very interesting and many teachers at the first time participated in such kind of "round-table". It was a great expereince for them that they will absolutely share with their students.Teachers will improve their language speaking skills and it  will be very useful to develop their critical thinking skills.

Our teachers have to organize and demonstrate an open lesson with the following positive and constructive feedback. Each month one or two teachers will do it turn by turn.
This "lesson" will help all of us-students and me as a trainer to look through the new prizm of teaching expereince and to develop my lessons in order to support my students in their teaching, in their presentation, and in their work with students.

At the lessons with my students- teachers, I am  planning to organize different methodological  sessions and to discuss and apply new knowledge and skills about lesson planning, learning styles, multiple intelligence skills, use of technology into the classroom, diversity in the classroom, and students thinking  in the learning process.

I am  going to analyze the trajectory of development in our course through the formative and summative feedback and reflection of my students (teachers). Each of our lessons full of different activities with new strategies of work that allow teaching to learn and improve their speaking , writing, reading, listening, and critical thinking skills.
Our next plan is to prepare a poster presentation and present a teaching philosophy, teachers' understanding of it and to analyze how it correlates with their teaching practice. I want my students to think about it deeper and I will observe their presentation and analazy their thoughts. On the base of it I will develop my next lesson plans to discuss issues that are difficult to my students.Teachers started to think deeply about their mission and teaching philosophy in matching with their classroom activities and outcomes of their work and they were very surprized about some questions that were posted to them through Interview, because they have never thought about some of them before.

1.      1. Why did you decide to become a teacher?
2. What is your teaching philosophy?
3. What is your philosophy on homework?
4. Are you a team player? If so, please give me an example.
5. What activities have you have implemented that reflect your philosophy of education as it relates to middle school students?
6. How do you motivate students?
7. What is your approach in classroom management?
8. What methods have you used or would you use to assess student learning?
9.  Which methods do you use in your classrooms to teach students?
10. What you do with students' misbehavior?
11. What are your greatest strengths?
12. What is your biggest weakness?
13. What do you like most/dislike most about teaching?
14. What are the essential requirements to teach a class?
15. Why do you want to work for your school?
16. How would you describe a successful teacher?
17. What will make you a great teacher in 10 years?
One of my student, Akmaral mentioned:
"I am really happy, that I am in this project and my dreams came true. In initial days, after the orientation, when I got home, I felt the sparks of desire for teaching appeared inside of me. I took my notebook and began to write, remembering what I have experienced through orientation. Later the days with English classes started. After participating each class at the lessons, I began understand the significance of my profession. I experienced it at the class and then used it at the classroom with my students. I started to feel sure of my English. In a short time, I have learned a lot of teaching skills. For example: to provide a feedback; to make a presentation; to present a speech, grammar, different games, and new words. We discussed how to work together; how to scan information and to write an essay. I have already experienced a lot of things which I wasn’t aware before. The experience and knowledge are really helping me in teaching process and my students also noticed it, they are getting to participate actively at class activities. My classes are becoming to be more interesting than before. I am also looking on my AEPE teacher, at her talent and strategies of work that I can use for my work. I am getting benefit from all activities of the project.
Thank you AEPE!"

 I am planning to improve: students' speaking skills through the 10 basic projects for presentation (each student has to present at the lesson a speech with a topic that they hoose themselves,and according to criteria we will assess their speech presentation);  their vocabulary by using new vocabulary  at each lesson; writing skills by writing essays; reading skills by working with reading comprehension activities; analytical skills by discussing different issues. At the same time different methodological sessions will imrpove students' level of teaching.We will discuss new ways of teaching and use of technology in the classroom.  I believe that my students-teachers will publish their own posts in their blogs that I will help them to create and we will publish the result of our work after each month.
We will be happy to receive a positive and constructive feedback on our progress of work that will encourage and motivate my students in their work and studying!
The best, Natalya