Monday, March 10, 2014

What are my students thoughts?

"To teach English, this dream originated, because of my English teacher. She spoke English very well, and I wanted also to be a teacher of English.
Now I am a teacher. I have already understood the difficulties and hardships of this profession. I began to appreciate my teachers more than ever. I am going to bring benefit to the society.
In my teaching experience, there are any teaching strategies left. It is becoming to teach my students harder, because the ideology of Islam religion dominates in all sphere of life. My students are religious, they appreciate humanism more than other things. They are less interested in Universe studies. For example, one time, I suggested my students to decorate our auditorium, and to make a student’s corner. I said that one sheet will be for an excellent student. According to their attendance, attitude, knowledge, leadership skills, we rate them at the end of month, and hand up the photo of this student and information about him/her. Nonetheless, one of my best students denied it, she said that many students don’t want it and they don’t want to be on the poster and to be a star among the students. I thought about any motivation. One time I said that we have to be tolerant; we should support each other and follow their responsibilities.
In different kind of situations, I feel that I am losing my teaching philosophy and I think about myself: “Why am I teaching?”, “Why am I working as a teacher?” My work is not so appreciated. I do not stop teaching and my students will understand the role of education, the time will come. Teachers are optimists and our work will be appreciated." 
Dubanakulova Akmaral

"Teacher is a person whose job is to teach, especially in a school or college. Teaching is a work of a teacher, or ideas and beliefs that are taught by sb/smth. :Philosophy" means the study of ideas and beliefs about the meaning of life, or a set of beliefs that tries to explain the meaning of life or give rules how to behave. So, there are many different kind of professions, by I liked to be a teacher. It was my dream from my childhood. I tried to teach students in a village and I enjoyed it. When I studied at the University I thought that to work is easier than to study, but it is not.To be a teacher is very difficult task and responsible job. In different groups ther are some students who misbehaved , most of them are from the town.We teachers, have to find a common language with them. We have to find a way to work individually with each student. Every teacher has their own teaching philosophy. Everybody tries to do his or her own best while teaching students. As in proverb says: "Practice make perfect". Day by day, year by year, while teaching learners and I will learn myself, because every year we have new learners, new seminars, new books and new materials that we use. Every each lesson is different, because studets are different.
My teaching philosophy is making a warm atmosphere with my students and getting, giving a pleasure at the class.To create this atmosphere, I am trying to learn more and more about new activitiesfrom seminars. I will try to use them in my classroom. I want my students to learn and get something new. In future they will educate their children, our future generation.
The main thing is challenging our students/learners to be well-ducated and valuable  person in our society. We are all teachers of English language have to improve language skills and to work hard as we can. In conclusion, I have never rgreted my choice to be a teacher. I love my profession very much."
Dzhunusova Mirgul 

"Educating others is a responsibility that should be taken seriously and with care. I believe that all students have the ability to be successful, they simply need to tap their potential. I expect excellence from each student and in return I try to provide guality teaching through my lessons.
All the students are capable of learning or they have the ability to be successful. If I expect my students to work hard, my students will turn work hard. If I don't expect much from the students, they will not work or show their ability. Always, I try to encourage students to strive for excellence in the class.
I strive to develop and deliver quality of teaching through all my lessons. I think, the quality of my teaching is my students' success. Therefore, excellence as an educator begins with quality and preparation. We must know what to teach in the class or we have to have a solid understanding of the subject.
I asked my students such kind of questions. Are you interested in English? Why are you interested in English? Is it necessary for you? They answered that English language is a world language. They should know all about English language, of course, to read, write, and speak. They need English language throughout of their life, because some of them want to be a prime-minister, some of them want to be a businessman and they won't need an interpreter. Some of them want to travell around London and the USA, therefore they need and they are eager to learn English.
After this discussion several kinds of thoughts and ideas came to my mind. As Chinese proverb says: "Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I may remember. Involve me and I will understand" that the best way for students to learn is active involvement.
Steping in my class they may feel safe to express their thoughts and be responsible for their own learning through activities and class discussions.
We also know that teacher should know or value the student's learning. Tht's why we'd know their interests, learning styles and backgrounds. With this knowledge our teaching will be better informed and more effective. In my teaching I use traditional assessment methods but sometimes I use alternative forms of assessment.
At the end I want to say that I should develop and deliver the quality of my teaching, then I may expect my tudents to work hard or just to tap their potential and encourage their strive for excellence and of course, I'd follow the Chinese proverb or students active learning hould be through many kinds of activities. One more important thing is to assess student's learning clearly and honestly.
All of these strives and beliefs combine my teaching philosophy."
Zaynidinova Irasagul

"I like foreign languages especially English from my childhood. I wanted to be an English teacher. There are many noble professions but I have chosen the prfession of a teacher. Firts of all, I think that it is very interesting, fascinating and exciting.
However, I want to tell about some difficulties in the process of teaching. From the beginning of my teaching, I figured out that teaching was very difficult. The teachers have to know their subject well. They should be kind, understandable, friendly, expereinced, tolerant, responsible, passinate, patient, and strict. This profession requires readiness, a lot of time. You should always fresh your knowledge and always practice. I collide with difficulties such as: in explaining grammar, inpresenting new theme and new words and class management. I became more expereinced teacher. Teaching philosophy is elf-reflective statement of your beliefs about teaching and learning.
One of the importance of teaching is contact with students. Pesronal contact with students is esential to my approach. I emphasize my availability for informal discussion and my willingness to help them sort out any problems they have with what they are learning. My expereince as a teacher is greatly enriched by this contact with students.
So, teaching philosophy should discuss how you put your beliefs into practice by including concrete examples of what you do in the classroom.
My teaching expereince is not enough yet and I wait more information and activites from this program. I want to be more expereinced. " 
Abdikarimova Malika

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